Year group identity is a vital part of college life. Students in each year group are fiercely loyal to their Year and Year Leaders. All students have a Tutor, and whenever possible Tutors move up through the college with their groups.
Year group activities and reward events take place regularly. Trips to the big Theme Parks are particularly popular.
Tutor group competitions and activities take place alongside House events. And Tutorial lessons each month allow students to reflect and plan for their own personal and academic development with their Tutor.
Our Thought for the Week is followed during morning registration, and expands an important theme for students to think about, discuss and reflect on.
Each year group has a weekly assembly led by senior staff and other students. Assemblies help to develop Spiritual Cultural Ethical and Moral understanding. as well as Patchway Community College’s own ‘Language for Learning’.
Once a week a Student briefing takes place where representatives from each Tutor Group where Tutor Group representatives have an opportunity to raise issues with their Head of Year and feedback comments form their Tutor group.