The charges include the use of the required accommodation, access to adequate toilet facilities and the use of non-specialist equipment (e.g. tables, chairs, urn) if requested on the booking form. Some items are subject to a security deposit. This will be advised in each case.
Rooms will be cleaned prior to the letting. Hirers are at liberty to move chairs and tables around to suit their needs but will be expected to return same as they were found.
Charges may be varied at the discretion of the Headteacher.
Charges will be reviewed annually.
Bookings will be held for 10 working days and only confirmed upon receipt of an official Lettings Application Form.
A non-returnable deposit of 20% of the total cost of accommodation will be invoiced after receipt of the Lettings Application Form. In the event of multiple bookings on the same application the deposit shall be 20% of the first date booked or £75, whichever is the greater.
Conditions of hire are as detailed in the “Regulations for the Lettings of Premises” printed on the reverse of the Lettings Application Form and form part of this policy. A Hirer’s signature on the Lettings Application Form confirms that the “Regulations for the Lettings of Premises” have been read, understood and agreed.
Bookings will not be accepted for private parties.
If an organisation requires a weekly hire then a booking form must be completed at the beginning of each financial year stating the dates required (e.g. ‘every Monday except Xmas, Easter and bank holidays’). These lettings will be invoiced monthly in advance.
Cancellation of Bookings:
50% of the total cost payable if the booking is cancelled more than one week but less than one month prior to the event.
Total cost payable if the booking is cancelled within one week of the event.
Use of School Kitchen:
Special arrangements can be made if certain conditions are met, please refer to the back of the Lettings Application Form for these conditions.
LETTING CHARGES wef 1st October 2013
Per hour for the first two hours
Each additional hour or part thereof
Weekends and Bank Holidays 7a.m to 11p.m
Principal room – i.e. one of the following:
Hall, gym, dining hall, library, conference room or classroom
Additional room – i.e. one of the following:
Hall, gym, dining hall, library, conference room
Each additional classroom
Business Centre IT suite
Dance Studio
School Kitchen
Monday to Friday 7a.m to 11p.m
Principal room – i.e. one of the following:
Hall, gym, dining hall, library, conference room or class-room
Additional room – i.e. one of the following:
Hall, gym, dining hall, library, conference room
Each additional classroom
Business Centre IT suite
Dance Studio
School Kitchen
Weekend lets only:
If you require time the previous Friday to set up your accommodation it is charged at £11.00 per hour and must be booked on the Letting Application Form and carried out between 4pm and 6.30pm.
Car Parking within the Grounds:
The designated parking areas are:
Ø Car park on the right hand side, adjacent to the main gates
Ø Sports Hall car park
Ø Visitors’ spaces adjacent to the garage
Ø Car park opposite the Visitors’ spaces
Ø Designated bays adjacent to main entrance
To maintain access for emergency vehicles DO NOT park in the following areas:
Ø Inside marked area at the main entrance, except to load and unload vehicles
Ø Around the roundabout at the front of the school
Ø On the paved area outside of the Main Hall
Ø Adjacent to any entrance or exit
Ø In the access road to the rear of the school
In addition, vehicles should never be parked on grassed areas. (Unless directed to do so)