Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium funding @ Patchway Community College
The Government introduced Pupil Premium funding to address underlying national inequalities for children eligible for free school meals, children who are looked after and adopted and the children of service families.
The Pupil Premium seeks to reduce gaps in attainment and achievement; to enable more students from disadvantaged backgrounds to access Further and Higher Education; and address the emotional and social well-being of these students.
At Patchway Community College we are committed to helping all students achieve their potential by making excellent progress in their academic studies and developing them as young adults, regardless of their background. The Pupil Premium is a fund which comes directly into school from the government to us narrow the gap between disadvantaged students and their peers and to help us achieve our aim. The funding is targeted at students who have received Free School Meals at any time during the last six years; been continuously ???Looked After??? for at least six months; and children who have one or more parents in the British Armed Forces.
Pupil Premium Funding Levels
Each child at Patchway community College who is eligible to receive this funding are allocated funding in the following sums:
Students in Years 7-11:?????????????????????????? ??935
Looked After Children:???????????????????????????? ??1900
Children of service families:???????????? ??300
The total funding allocated for 2015/16 was ??147,730
Impact of Pupil Premium funding at Patchway Community College 2015/16
Projected use of Pupil Premium funding at Patchway Community College 2016/17
Please click here to see the Projected use of Pupil Premium funding for 2016/17
Patchway Community College has been subject to an external review of the impact of pupil premuim funding. This review took place on 7th March 2016. The full report is available from the college on request.