Patchway Community School

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British Values and SMSC

British Values and Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Education (SMSC) 

At Patchway Community School we recognise the importance of students receiving a well-rounded and holistic education where the students’ personal development is at the centre of the process. 

In order to be fully prepared to make a contribution to living in modern Britain, students need to be exposed to a range of opportunities that allow them to experience, explore and learn about being an active and positive citizen.  This is as well as making the academic progress for them to contribute positively to society through education, employment and training. 

The opportunities for this learning come through assemblies (with published themes), tutor periods and access to external speakers in and out of school. In addition we promote leadership opportunities and a range of extra-curricular opportunities.  PSHE and British Values have significant overlap and most aspects will not be taught in isolation but through a holistic learning approach which has overlaps as evidenced below.  Many of the themes naturally arise within curriculum subjects and what follows is indicative of what we believe at Patchway and what we deliver, but it is not exhaustive.  Patchway students understand the importance of Democracy as a fundamental British Value.  They know that citizens can influence local and national decisions that have an impact on them and within school they all have the opportunity to elect fellow students to leadership positions and to develop their own leadership skills. This is also a fundamental aspect of the GCSE Citizenship course we offer here. Tolerance and Mutual Respect are central to understanding about our own rights and the rights of others and active debate and discussion is encouraged so that students learn to accept different views, beliefs and abilities (spiritual and cultural).  Opportunities for this will come in tutor time discussion, assemblies and through activities and talks on collapsed days.  This is supported by curriculum delivery in subjects such RE, geography and history, where issues such as migration and the impact of intolerance are explored further (moral)

We celebrate difference & respect diversity (cultural) and students understand that these are protected by law. 

Individual Liberty is valued at Patchway and being an individual, holding your own views, making your own choices and being confident in being different is encouraged.  We celebrate difference and respect diversity (cultural) and students understand that these are protected by law.  Safeguarding topics such as the responsible use of social media, keeping safe online, and sexual consent mean that students understand how to make positive individual decisions and to respect others’ choices without prejudice and influence (moral and social).  Our History curriculum covers aspects relating to individual liberty such as the Holocaust and slavery, as well as exploring world faiths (spiritual, cultural and moral). In PE, the importance of rules for the safety of players, including those surrounding drugs and stadia safety are studied.  In science, students consider moral questions relating to the dispensation of prescribed drugs and ethical issues relating to genetics (moral), while in Citizenship students begin to understand the origins of our judicial system (social).  Our clear behaviour and discipline policies are understood well by all students and staff and this supports students’ understanding of The Rule of Law within the UK and the related consequences (moral and social).  Students are introduced to the judiciary and we work closely with the local police force to support student learning and well-being.  Conflict resolution is taught and modelled by staff and student leaders.

SMSC and British Values have significant overlap and most aspects will not be taught in isolation but through a holistic learning approach which has overlaps as evidenced below.

We celebrate difference & respect diversity (cultural) and students understand that these are protected by law.