All students are expected to use their locker every day to store their coat, bag and mobile phone
- The cost of rental for each locker is £3 per year
- There is a £5 returnable deposit for the locker key
- Please complete a locker application form
- All revenue generated through locker rentals pays for their maintenance, repair and replacement
Cashless catering
Meals can only be paid for using biometric fingerprint identification or through the use of a pin code
- All finance is run through Scopay - this is a system where as a parent, you pre-load money for lunches onto your child's account
- There is no facility for taking cash payment for any meal or break time snack
- Please complete the biometric consent form, or contact us if you wish your child to have a pin code instead [email protected]
Scopay allows parents or carers to make payments by debit or credit card for all school purchases, including school meals
- To register for Scopay, please contact the finance office who will issue you with an access code which is unique to our school [email protected]