Student Support
Student Support & Wellbeing
Personalised Support for every individual student
The individual needs of every student are recognised by staff and personalisation sheets form the foundation of planning for every lesson. This allows young people to be supported whatever their additional needs may be.
Vertical House groups to provide peer support
The four houses meet together regularly so that formal and more valuable relationships between students of all ages can be built. Older students are encouraged to support and lead younger ones and to nurture their skills and qualities within their houses. We have frequent opportunities for competition and participation within year groups and across the houses so that every student???s talents are given the opportunity to shine.
Inclusion Team of three dedicated support staff
Our inclusion team recognises that young people are ???work in progress??? and from time to time they will need more individual and more intensive support. Through one to one work, group sessions and other active interventions we go the extra mile to create Proud, Strong, Confident and Kind young people.
Two support bases
These run full time to provide students with a place to go, talk and learn when they may need a more bespoke support package. The emphasis is on developing and maintaining healthy relationships, as well as managing the many transitions that young people experience in their school life.
Team around the child meeting
This will take place when a young person has a story which needs to be shared with staff in order that we may provide them with the right kind of specific support they need. A team around the child meeting allows everyone to get key messages at the same time. This provides a consistent effective framework of support to the young person to provide reassurance and confidence.
When a young person or their family needs wider support the school uses the Single Assessment- Early Help Framework. This is a supportive assessment which enables the school to make referrals to other services who can provide preventative interventions.
Working with Partners
External mentoring to get children out of school and supported through activities and personal challenges.
Partners include:
Educational Psychology
School Health Nurse
South Gloucestershire Drug and Alcohol Service
Southern Brooks Community Partnership.
If you have any concerns or think that your child may need support, please do not hesitate to contact their head of house.