Keeping Children Safe
At Patchway Community School we have high expectations of each other. We show this by respecting ourselves, each other and our community. Details of our Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy can be found by clicking??the link??/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/Safeguarding-and-Child-Protection-Policy-May-2017-doc.pdf??
Safeguarding Information for Parents and Carers
Patchway Community School fully recognises its responsibility under section 175 of the Education Act 2002 to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and to work together with other agencies to ensure effective early intervention takes place to identify, assess and support children who may be suffering from harm.
Safeguarding our students is paramount and we respond promptly and robustly to any child protection or safeguarding concerns. Our staff selection and interview process assesses all candidates??? suitability and commitment to safeguarding children. All of our staff receive yearly updates as part of their child protection training and named Child Protection staff receive annual training and specific updates on a range of safeguarding areas.
Key School Contacts
The staff below can be contacted via the main school number: 01454862020

The Designated Child Protection Officer is Ellen Tomkies, Associate Senior Leader.
Direct email:[email protected]

The Deputy Child Protection Officer is??Nigel Burr, Student Support Team Leader
Direct email: [email protected]
South Gloucestershire Safeguarding Board
The school follows the advice issued from the South Gloucestershire Safeguarding Board. Their website has a range of useful information for parents and carers as well as numbers to contact if you have concerns about the safety and well-being of a child. To visit the web page, please click on the logo below.

If you have concerns about a child and would like to speak to someone from the Access and Response Team directly,??please use the numbers below.

Other documents
The following school policies??are all related directly to safeguarding, primarily of children and young people, but also of employees. It is expected that all members of staff are familiar with these documents and that they have read the Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy and have a working knowledge of KCSIE Part 1.
Acceptable Use of ICT
Behaviour for Learning
Concerns and Complaints
Extended Equal Opportunities
Health and Safety
Monitoring and surveillance
Physical Restraint
Recruitment and Selection
SEND and Inclusion
Sex and Relationships
Staff Code of Conduct
For full details of all of our policies, please click here??
Useful Website Links
One of the websites we recommend is Parent Zone, which is provided by Vodaphone and supported by recognised e-safety organisations for schools. This website is also very useful for parents.

Another website is Parentinfo, provided by the CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection) and Parent Zone.??http://parentinfo.org/

This is a really helpful guide and advice resource for parents of children from year 7 through to year 13. Click on the logo above to see the full Parent Pack from the Lucy Faithfull Foundation: ??Why not have a look at the family plan at the end of the booklet to see if this could be a useful tool for your family in starting a discussion about online safety?
At Patchway Community School we have high expectations of each other. We show this by respecting ourselves, each other and our community. Details of our Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy can be found by clicking??the link??/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/Safeguarding-and-Child-Protection-Policy-May-2017-doc.pdf??
Safeguarding Information for Parents and Carers
Patchway Community School fully recognises its responsibility under section 175 of the Education Act 2002 to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and to work together with other agencies to ensure effective early intervention takes place to identify, assess and support children who may be suffering from harm.
Safeguarding our students is paramount and we respond promptly and robustly to any child protection or safeguarding concerns. Our staff selection and interview process assesses all candidates??? suitability and commitment to safeguarding children. All of our staff receive yearly updates as part of their child protection training and named Child Protection staff receive annual training and specific updates on a range of safeguarding areas.
Key School Contacts
The staff below can be contacted via the main school number: 01454862020

The Designated Child Protection Officer is Ellen Tomkies, Associate Senior Leader.
Direct email:[email protected]

The Deputy Child Protection Officer is??Nigel Burr, Student Support Team Leader
Direct email: [email protected]
South Gloucestershire Safeguarding Board
The school follows the advice issued from the South Gloucestershire Safeguarding Board. Their website has a range of useful information for parents and carers as well as numbers to contact if you have concerns about the safety and well-being of a child. To visit the web page, please click on the logo below.

If you have concerns about a child and would like to speak to someone from the Access and Response Team directly,??please use the numbers below.

Other documents
The following school policies??are all related directly to safeguarding, primarily of children and young people, but also of employees. It is expected that all members of staff are familiar with these documents and that they have read the Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy and have a working knowledge of KCSIE Part 1.
Acceptable Use of ICT
Behaviour for Learning
Concerns and Complaints
Extended Equal Opportunities
Health and Safety
Monitoring and surveillance
Physical Restraint
Recruitment and Selection
SEND and Inclusion
Sex and Relationships
Staff Code of Conduct
For full details of all of our policies, please click here??
Useful Website Links
One of the websites we recommend is Parent Zone, which is provided by Vodaphone and supported by recognised e-safety organisations for schools. This website is also very useful for parents.

Another website is Parentinfo, provided by the CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection) and Parent Zone.??http://parentinfo.org/

This is a really helpful guide and advice resource for parents of children from year 7 through to year 13. Click on the logo above to see the full Parent Pack from the Lucy Faithfull Foundation: ??Why not have a look at the family plan at the end of the booklet to see if this could be a useful tool for your family in starting a discussion about online safety?