Healthy Living
The school promotes Health and Wellbeing for staff and students. This includes physical, emotional and social wellbeing and is key to student success and progress, both in and out of the classroom. Health and Wellbeing are promoted through various curriculum areas including, PE, Food, PSHE and Science. In addition the area is supported through assemblies, tutorials and guests including visiting speakers and theatre groups. A range of extra-curricular opportunities exist to extend students opportunities to take increased responsibility for their own health; these include sports, mindfulness group, clubs and activities. Students and families have access to a range of health services in the college including the school nurse who runs a drop-in service and makes appointments to see students and families as appropriate. Other areas of health are also catered for by regular drop-in clinics.
Pastoral Leaders and Leaders of Learning take responsibility for the students welfare and curriculum aspects respectively; student safety and wellbeing is paramount in all we do at Patchway. Health and wellbeing is monitored and evaluated by both internal and external surveys and agencies. Patchway has been designated as a Healthy School and works with South Gloucestershire Council Health and Wellbeing Partnership to promote health.