
The Mathematics Department
The Mathematics Department contains 6 full-time and 1 part time teacher. There is a strong enthusiasm and level of commitment to ensure that all students who study mathematics reach their maximum potential. A variety of teaching styles is used and we value and teach important skills such as co-operative learning and working with independence and confidence. There is a huge emphasis on success and supporting students at every level; and results in this curriculum area have continued to improve and exceed many challenging targets.
We strongly believe that students are best motivated through success. We???ve got a team of mathematics specialists who can offer support and guidance whilst also extending and challenging other students. Our differentiated assessments allow us to give all students a feeling of value, achievement and progress.
The Mathematics Department enters able students in each year group for The Maths Challenge, a national mathematics competition as well as regularly taking students to events organised by the Further Maths Support Programme such as team maths challenges and enrichment events.
Please see below for ??information on each Key Stage:
Key Stage 3
The Key Stage 3 curriculum has seen some significant changes in recent years. We now view this as a ???preparing students for GCSE??? stage and only runs in years 7 and 8. The Maths Department at Patchway have compiled a curriculum called PLUS. The Mathematics curriculum is split into six areas: Number and the number system, Ratio and Proportion, Algebra, Geometry and measures, Statistics and Probability. Rigorous assessment and homework tasks are put in place to ensure that all students to check students are making progress in line with national expectations.
Key Stage 4
At Key Stage 4 we use the EDEXCEL GCSE exam board. We follow a linear course where students take their final exams at the end of year 11, this being two exam papers, a calculator and non-calculator paper. This course is now started in year 9 giving the students more time develop a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts and be able to practice applying these to problems in context. The Mathematics Department have developed a rigorous homework policy called Independent Learning Tasks (ILT???s), these are given to each student after each unit of work is completed. There are two tiers of entry (higher and foundation) which allow all students to achieve a C grade at GCSE.
Key Stage 5
In Year 12 students can study an AS in mathematics which they may continue to A2 (Advanced) Level in Year 13. Advanced Level mathematics comprises of 6 modules, 4 pure and 2 applied. Students can also study for the Certificate in Financial Studies which is a recognised entry-level qualification for a career in financial services.