In MFL at Patchway our Vision is:
- To equip our students with the knowledge and skills to succeed in a rapidly changing world.
- To enable our students to develop and use the skills to communicate, to manage their time, to work in teams and to evaluate information.
- To use these skills to increase their confidence and self-esteem, in order to excel in all aspects of their lives.
- To foster awareness of different cultures and communities at home and abroad.
- To prepare our students for the international world of work.
The department has high standards and high student expectations. It is committed to developing the language skills and widening the European understanding of all students. Our fundamental aim is to share our passion and enjoyment for languages with our students whilst also making them aware of the importance and value of language learning. We use a comprehensive range of resources, which are constantly updated. We also have a large selection of computer software and books, accessible to staff and students, with the college library and the networked computer system being regularly used.
Here are the opinions of some of our students about language learning at Patchway:
???Learning languages is essential to getting a job in most fields.?? Nowadays, job interviewers are looking for a language GCSE and are more likely to pick someone with one than without???.
Jack G
???Learning French can help me because it is impressive on CVs.?? I want to be a lawyer and learning French will help me achieve that.?? It will also develop my skills and confidence for interviews???. Amelia R
???Language learning can help your social skills, listening skills and writing skills.?? It can also help your role in the world and help you communicate and make friends with new and interesting people???. Amber L
???Learning languages can help my future because I want to be a performer so if I travel to countries like France and Madagascar then I could speak French and understand it???. Kaiya B
???Languages are vital in today???s society because it means we can communicate with each other???. Tom P
Key Stage 3
All students in Key Stage 3 study a foreign language in schemes of work based on the new national curriculum.?? In Year 7, all students study German or French. During the first two years in the school students are taught in mixed ability groups. In Year 9 however there is some setting by language ability. The main courses used are ???Expo??? for French and ???Echo??? for German, but a wide variety of other resources, including ICT, are available and frequently used. MFL staff also create many of their own resources, which are shared across the department.
Students in year 9 have the opportunity to take part in a visit to Paris, France or the Christmas Markets in Germany.
We have also developed links with schools in Patchway’s twin towns of Gauting and Clermont l’Herault and we have annual visits from students in these towns who come and work with our students to increase confidence, cultural awareness and to also establish a positive relationship.
Key Stage 4
In Key Stage 4 the study of a foreign language is now optional but many students still choose to follow a GCSE course in a language. We particularly encourage, and indeed expect, our more able students to opt for a language as an option. We see the study of a language as an intrinsic part of their academic entitlement and experience. Again the ???Expo??? and ???Echo??? courses are used in Years 10 and 11, together with many other additional resources.
Key Stage 5
As part of the Concorde Cluster, students have the opportunity to continue studying a language in Key Stage 5 to AS and A2 level.