Learning Challenge
At Patchway Community College, we are dedicated to making sure that all our students leave school with the skills that they will need to be effective learners throughout their lives. In order to succeed in education and work, we believe that children need to be equipped with excellent communication, team-work, planning, enterprise and self-awareness skills.
To achieve this aim, all subjects and teachers are involved in the teaching and learning of skills but we also specifically deliver focused lessons and courses that enable all students to develop their personal, learning and thinking skills.
Key Stage 3
The Learning Challenge course is a course for Year 7 and is an exciting opportunity to equip students with the skills that they need to be successful learners at Patchway Community College. It responds to the needs of the personal learning and thinking skills and builds on principles of Learning to Learn.
There is a team of three staff who deliver four lessons a week to each house group in a specially designed classroom that encourages learning and risk-taking through a supportive and vibrant atmosphere.
Key Stage 4
As students become older, we believe it is vital that their skill base expands to allow them to be effective communicators within both the college and the work environment. Activities such as mock interviews with a range of employers allow students to develop their communication and reflective skills whilst Enterprise days where students plan their own Year 11 Prom allow for some very creative and detailed planning work!
Key Stage 5
Students in Post-16 have the opportunity to study for the Certificate of Personal Effectiveness or the Extended Project which are both level 3 qualifications equivalent to up to A* at AS level.???? These are extremely useful for employers and university applications in showing students??? abilities and skills in areas such as problem solving, teamwork and working independently. Additionally there is a core programme of structured days throughout the year which cover a wide variety of skills ??? from revision to safe driving.