
Computing Department
Computing at Patchway Community College offers students the opportunity to follow a creative and challenging curriculum that prepares them for life in the digital age. Students will learn to use software applications safely, effectively and creatively. While also learning how computer systems work and how they are constructed and programmed. Employers continue to demand computing skills, and IT is a jobs??? sector where there is almost full employment.
Computing at Patchway allow students to develop their digital literacy, logical thinking and problem solving skills through projects that include animation, graphics, film making, coding and games development.
Please see below for more information on each Key Stage:
Key Stage 3
Students will study different aspects of computing across Years 7, 8 and 9, providing an excellent preparation for Computing GCSE. The department encourages the development of team work, literacy and communication skills.
In Year 7 students will embark on a unit using block programming. We will then introduce control technology where students will experience thinking like a computer. In other units students will improve knowledge and understanding of e-safety.
In Year 8 students will be explore HTML and Python; this will give an introduction to text based programming. They will also learn about computing theory with units in developing data collection and analysis and a study of IT in society.
Year 9. Students will complete extended projects in programming, mobile app creation and multimedia and use the Python programming language to complete preparation for Year 10.
Key Stage 4
Year 10 and 11 students can choose to study GCSE Computing. Students will develop an in-depth understanding of how computer architecture works and how computers and networks are used in the modern world. Controlled assessment will be structured around a problem which the students need to plan and programme a solution. Students will also need to test and evaluate the success of their work.
ICT across the Curriculum
The use of ICT significantly enhances teaching and learning in subjects across the curriculum by enabling rapid access to knowledge, information and experiences from a wide range of sources. The use of ICT throughout the curriculum encourages critical thinking, imagination and creativity, problem solving, initiative and independence, teamwork and reflection.
Each subject includes, as appropriate, opportunities for students to learn where and how to use ICT to support their learning and achievement in the subject.
Post 16
A suite of networked computers for the sole use of students in the Post 16 Student Centre is available. These computers allow students to complete work during individual study time.
Internet Access
The Internet is available to all students and is filtered to ensure access to desirable web sites only. Individual student email access is available as required and so too is their ability to access school files from home, The school has WiFi which allows students to access the network through notebooks and other portable devises
Gateway to Learning (G2L)
The college???s G2L provides an excellent opportunity to students, parents and teachers to communicate and share their learning experience. This internet based resource allows files and information to be available to the relevant people at the right time. This process has provided all students with email capabilities as well as access to important documents, key dates for the diary and a place to communicate with staff. All departments use this resource to benefit learning and internal communication.
Lunchtime Use
Students have access to the computers in the ICT department at lunchtime and in the library at lunchtime as well as before and after school for completion of schoolwork. We provide support to help examination groups and to support students with specific needs.