Homework is seen as an integral part of the learning opportunity provided for students at Patchway Community College. It not only reinforces classroom learning, it also helps students to develop skills and attitudes they need for successful exam preparation and lifelong learning. It promotes independent learning skills, including the habits of inquiry and investigation. It also provides feedback to teachers on how students are learning.
Homework also allows parents and carers to be involved in students??? learning and keeps them informed about work students are do-ing. All homework is set on the ???Show My Homework??? site where students can download their homework and parents can also see what homework has been set. To support students in taking ownership of their learning we have Prep at the Patch for all year 7 and 8 students that runs for one hour after school every Monday to Thursday in the school library. In year 7 every student is expected to attend prep at least once each week.
Expectations of Students:
- To bring your planner to school every day
- To use your planner consistently to record all homework, including handing in dates
- To use the planner effectively as a learning tool
- To bring the correct books to all lessons.
Expectations of Parents/Carers:
- To check your child???s planner on a daily basis
- To sign your child???s planner weekly
- To engage with your child about the content of their homework
- To provide suitable working conditions at home
- To contact the Academy in the event of homework issues
- To support your child to ensure that they bring all necessary books and materials to the Academy.
Expectations of classroom teachers:
- To set appropriate homework
- To acknowledge all written homework
- To ensure that homework is clearly labelled as such in books.
For our full Homework policy please click here